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cab rank造句

"cab rank"是什么意思  
  • The controller rode in the " leading tank or armoured car " and directed a " cab rank " of aircraft above the battlefield.
  • The DAF improved the concept by introducing " cab ranks " of fighter-bombers in the air waiting to be called in to attack specific tactical targets.
  • In 2001 he wrote and directed the short film " This Little Piggy " about two cops in Dublin, who try to find a missing finger at a cab rank.
  • Unlike in Shanghai and Hong Kong, there is no designated cab rank either on the street adjacent to the station exit or at the Dongzhimen Transport Hub which only serves buses.
  • In most cases barristers were obliged, under what is known as the " cab rank rule ", to accept instructions for a case in an area in which they held themselves out as practicing, at a court at which they normally appeared and at their usual rates.
  • A system of close liaison with the ground troops was set up by the RAF and army : RAF radio operators in vehicles equipped with Cab Rank ", which attacked the targets, marked for them by smoke shells fired by mortar or artillery, until they were destroyed.
  • Michael Zander argued that the demands for the extension of the cab rank rule to solicitors were overstated before the passing of the Act clients had always been able to find solicitors, and there was no reason why this should suddenly change when the act came into force.
  • On the Allied side in the European Theater, British forces in North Africa began using the Forward Air Support Links, a " tentacle " system that used radio links from front line units to the rear requesting close air support from the next " cab rank " of on-call airborne fighter-bombers.
  • The building itself was built in the style of Renaissance Eclecticsm, and it features reliefs depicting James Watt and George Stephenson designed by Klein 羠min and made by Zsolnay factory The building is rather dilapidated, however, renovation was commenced in late 2011 A mass transit hub-including a bus terminal, a bus stop and a cab rank zone-is situated on the square in front of the railway station.
  • It's difficult to see cab rank in a sentence. 用cab rank造句挺难的
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